A few more gems of lit. inspired songs...
"Doubleplusgood" from the Eurythmics album for a 1984 movie that never came to be:
The rest of the album is equally bizarre and annoying, but this song is especially ear worm-y.
Also, the uploader comments on this particular video are worth a read.
A good song to listen to in preparation for this summer...
I was by the way, referencing the fact that The Hobbit movie comes out this summer. More power to you if you actually intend to have fantastic rambling adventures.
How do you interpret the metaphors in this song? I think it's more than a bit odd to compare a girl to the Ring, which I see as being tacitly done here.
Kate Bush's infamous Wuthering Heights:
At the senior talent show my junior year, three girls dressed up in absurd white dresses and reenacted this for us, cartwheels and all. It was nothing short of fantastic. If this video has convinced you that you are, in fact, madly in love with Kate Bush, I would highly recommend checking out the Babooshka video.
How about you? Any favorite books-turned-movies-turned-songs (or similar constructions)?